Ara x’ President tar-Repubblika għandna.
Flok tgħaqqad tmur tilgħaq sorm ir-Repubblikani.
Mhux ta b’ xejn ma ridtux lil Helena Dalli.
Prosit lil min għażilha.
Ara x’ President tar-Repubblika għandna.
Flok tgħaqqad tmur tilgħaq sorm ir-Repubblikani.
Mhux ta b’ xejn ma ridtux lil Helena Dalli.
Prosit lil min għażilha.
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Hekk Hu. You are so right
The Real Person!
The Real Person!
Dr. Helena Dalli was the best choice, but she couldn’t be selected because she would never bow to the Repubblika’s demands.”