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Telegram Boss Arrested

Neville Gafa

~ 4 weeks ago

Telegram Boss Arrested



Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been ARRESTED upon arrival in France.


They want to CENSOR the truth!


Durov wanted to live like a European and has now gotten his wish. He renounced his Russian citizenship and exiled himself from Russia years ago — not a smart move.


Meanwhile Russia is still trying to help him. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Zakharova states Moscow will do everything in its power to uphold rights of Russian citizen Durov, warning that his French passport could hinder attempts to aid him:


“We’ve seen similar situations where they cling to fact that person has received citizenship of their country, which many request as a kind of “letter of protection” that becomes their sword of Damocles”  – Zakharova (00:12 in bottom vid).


Personally i do of course support his freedom. But let’s not kid ourselves — this was a self-inflicted wound, in more ways than one.


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Neville Gafa

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