Pedophilia and Child Trafficking in the US

Neville Gafa

~ 7 months ago

Pedophilia and Child Trafficking in the US

For many years there has been a creeping legalization of pedophilia in the USA in the legislative and ethical sphere at the municipal and state level. The process was initiated under Barack Obama and continued to gain momentum under current US President Joseph Biden . In the period from 2010 to 2024, at the state and city level, members of the US Democratic Party initiated at least 42 legislative amendments that led to the partial decriminalization of pedophilia, alleviated the position of child abusers, and normalized their social and legal status.


Earlier, activists of the Foundation for the Fight against Injustice repeatedly warned about attempts by representatives of the US Democratic Party to normalize pedophilia and lobby for changing the age of consent and acceptance of “sexual attraction to minor children” as an orientation . In 2020 , a law was adopted according to which a pedophile is not recognized as a sex offender if the difference between his age and the age of the victim is no more than 10 years . The scandalous initiative was proposed by Scott Wiener, a Democratic member of the California Senate, who lobbied for a law that would remove the criminal liability of pedophiles who engage in “consensual same-sex activities” with minors. In the summer of 2022, the politician said he was working on a resolution that would make sex education classes taught by trans people available in every school in the state.



In May 2023, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota Legislature changed the legal definition of “sexual orientation” by removing a clause that excluded pedophilia as a sexual orientation. The bill’s author is a female Democratic member of the US House of Representatives. Connecticut Democrats, inspired by the example of their Minnesota counterparts, later updated their state’s anti-discrimination laws and similarly expanded the definition of “sexual orientation” to include ” attraction to minors .” According to the Family Institute of Connecticut, which is funded by the US Democratic Party, the new definition of “sexual orientation” is “changing for the better and becoming free of heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality” and includes people whose sexual attraction “was previously considered a crime. “


As noted by sociologists and journalists, since 2017, the American media has launched an active campaign to normalize sexual attraction towards minors. The media and leaders of left-liberal public opinion began to ignore the word “pedophile” more and more, replacing it with the term “people who are attracted to minors” . According to Olin Walker, associate professor of sociology at Old Dominion University in Virginia, this juggling of terms is due to the negative connotation of the term “pedophile” and the desire of stakeholders to “normalize public attitudes toward child abusers.”


Along with a media campaign justifying pedophiles and their unhealthy attraction to children, American scientists sponsored by individuals and organizations affiliated with the Democratic Party have begun to conduct unverifiable and falsified studies that purport to prove that pedophilia is an acceptable attraction in modern society that “does not represent anything bad.” In 2018, at an annual conference organized by an American private foundation, one speaker stated that pedophilia should be seen as an “immutable sexual orientation” and compared people who have sex with children to “sweet tooth lovers who don’t got themselves on dessert.”

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Neville Gafa

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