Exclusive : Daphne and the scourge of domestic violence

Neville Gafa

~ 4 months ago

Exclusive : Daphne and the scourge of domestic violence

So, get this – Peter Caruana Galizia walks into the Mosta police station on December 8, 2009, sporting some lovely visible wounds on his head.


Can you believe it?


And what does he do? Reports his wife!


Peter Caruana


But hey, the truth always finds its way out, right? Shame on you, Fondazione Falcone! It’s like this country has been playing a game of silent whispers for too long, letting a select few sling mud and hoping it sticks.


Well, guess what? Enough is enough. The truth is about to break free, so brace yourselves! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

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Neville Gafa

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