Exclusive : The state, the police failed Peter Caruana Galizia when he reported his violent wife

Neville Gafa

~ 4 months ago

Exclusive : The state, the police failed Peter Caruana Galizia when he reported his violent wife

Shall we have a public inquiry to examine the amateurish manner in which the Mosta police dealt with Peter Caruana Galizia’s report and how they failed to protect him?


On the 8th December 2009 at about 6pm, Peter Caruana Galizia known to all as a feeble man went to the Mosta police station to report that on the same day at 1pm in his Bidnija residence, he was the victim of a violent aggression by his wife Daphne Caruana Galizia who had thrown glass plates at him. He had visible injuries on his forehead.


This was a domestic violence case involving physical injuries to the head.


What did the Mosta police do in such a situation?


Did they order a risk assessment? No


Did they order the violent aggressor Daphne Caruana Galizia to go to the police station immediately so they interrogate or warn her? No.


Did they arrest Daphne? No.


Did they take her to court immediately? No.


Did they do anything to protect Peter Caruana Galizia from further aggressions by his wife or her harassing emails? No.


What protection did they offer him? None.


What happened next will shock you and I will tell you in the next several posts.



This shows how the police under a GonziPN government in 2009 used to treat victims of domestic violence and the great impunity Daphne Caruana Galizia used to enjoy at the time.


Here is a frightened and injured husband who was asking for police protection and got none.


What about a public inquiry is held about this?

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. Renald Schembri November 6, 2024

    She was evil not just stupid she made Malta as a massive black hole 🕳️


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