Holding Nationalists Accountable

Neville Gafa

~ 4 months ago

Holding Nationalists Accountable

We support Clint and Clayton. It is time for the Labour Party to show strength and unity in the face of adversity.


It’s infuriating to see the double standards at play here.


Salvu Griscti was forced to resigned. So why is Stephen Spiteri getting a free pass? What about those shady companies registered at his residence?



And don’t even get me started on Peter Agius – lying about Kurt Buhagiar, the OHSA investigation, and faking his address!


The Labour Party needs to wake up and start holding them accountable. It’s time to demand investigations and resignations from these Nationalists who think they’re above the law.


Labour needs to step up and start fighting back instead of taking these hits lying down.



Enough is enough. The people deserve better. We cannot stand by and watch as these individuals abuse their power and manipulate the system for their own gain. It’s time for action. It’s time for accountability.


I urge Labour to take a stand and demand justice. We cannot let these corrupt practices continue unchecked.


The time for silence is over. It’s time to speak up and fight for what is right.


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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. Frankie Tabone November 11, 2024

    U int jidhirlek li il Partit Laburista ħa jkun harex ma l-ikbar ħabib li għandhom mil kamp oppost? It-tabib Stephen Spiteri biċċa waħda mal-Labour.


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