The PN’s true colours: insensitive and partisan

Neville Gafa

~ 4 months ago

The PN’s true colours: insensitive and partisan

Press Release

Saturday, 16th November, 2024

Issued by the Labour Party’s Communication Office



A few hours after rejecting a request for a debate at the European Parliament, following Israel’s decision to ban the United Nations relief agency UNRA from within its territory, putting millions of Palestinian lives in jeopardy, the Nationalist Party called the press to announce an event to be held in Malta within the next few days.


They gave the logistical details of an upcoming EPP seminar but failed to apologise for the deeply insensitive decision by their MEPs David Casa and Peter Agius, with Bernard Grech’s approval, to shoot down the request for a debate on a matter of life and death for millions of Palestinian children, women and men.


It was a ‘let-them-eat-cake’ (completely out of touch with the needs of millions of Palestinians) attitude by the Nationalist Party and its representatives in Brussels.



David Casa and Peter Agius utter disregard and lack of empathy towards families who are experiencing genocide is shocking, as is Michael Piccinino’s defence, earlier on today, of their inexcusable behaviour. It shows the PN’s true colours: insensitive.


In other words, Casa and Agius put partisan politics before a humanitarian issue. They are incapable of putting people first. It’s all about partisan politics. That is deeply insensitive.


Bernard Grech and Michael Piccinino have better things to do – preparing the logistics for an EPP seminar in Malta. Hilarious, were it not tragic.


Communications Office

Labour Party

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Neville Gafa

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