Questioning the Magistrate’s Decision to Raid Joseph Muscat’s House

Neville Gafa

~ 3 months ago

Questioning the Magistrate’s Decision to Raid Joseph Muscat’s House

The police couldn’t access Joseph Muscat’s mobile phone. Yet, the Magistrate still thought it was appropriate to order the raid.


This is beyond comprehension.



It feels like a complete charade, a blatant abuse of power with no real intention of serving justice. If the Magistrate truly wanted cooperation, she should have followed proper legal procedures instead of resorting to such a dramatic and fruitless display.


The whole situation, with Robert Aquilina lurking in the car nearby, just reeks of a staged performance that achieved nothing. This kind of behavior from those in authority is utterly unacceptable. It erodes public trust in the justice system and sets a dangerous precedent for future cases.


We deserve transparency and accountability, not these empty shows of power.




We need to know the motives behind the raid on Joseph Muscat’s house and demand answers from those responsible for this unnecessary and ineffective action. Our justice system should be based on fairness and truth, not on theatrical displays of force.


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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. GINO DEGIORGIO November 22, 2024

    Looks like we need to see what is the way forward to clean the justice system from incompetent people- MAFIA HAS NO PLACE IN THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN A DEMOCRACY —————————


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