Just a little something to ponder, Robert Aquilina

Neville Gafa

~ 3 months ago

Just a little something to ponder, Robert Aquilina


Robert Aquilina,


I couldn’t help but notice your recent fervor regarding Joseph Muscat’s refusal to hand over his phone password.


It’s truly inspiring to see such dedication to upholding the law. However, I couldn’t help but wonder about another matter that seems to have slipped through the cracks – your buddy Daphne Caruana Galizia’s missing laptop.



I mean, isn’t it a bit ironic that you’re all fired up about phone passwords when your dear friend’s laptop conveniently never made its way to the police? It’s almost like some things are more equal than others, right?


Funny how that works.


Just a little food for thought while you’re riding high on your moral high horse about phone passwords. After all, we wouldn’t want to overlook any potential inconsistencies, would we?


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Neville Gafa


  1. Frankie Tabone November 24, 2024

    Mr.Gafa you should clarify this with Mr.Aquilina.”In the meantime the family of Ms.Carusna Galizia asked to have the data deleted which where still available here and which where saved on the laptop of the deceased”. Was the request of the family granted or not?

  2. Frankie Tabone November 24, 2024

    U tkompli xsħaga hekk Mr. Gafa “since so far there was neither a confiscation order by the Maltese judical authorities nor any other legal basis according to German law for further saving,the request of the family of the legal owner for deletion of the data had to be compiled with” Proset Mr.Aquilina xeroj għandek. Twaddab kikra jew platt tal-ħġieġ lejn żewġek huwa attentat ta qtil.

  3. Raymond Gatt November 25, 2024

    Mr. Gafà, when are you going to publish the list of the Libyans? You know which ones I mean!

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      Neville Gafa November 25, 2024

      Mhux aħjar tgħidli int? La taf b’ xi lista? Isa għamel kuraġġ.


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