When Rule of Law Becomes Rule of Lies (1)

Neville Gafa

~ 4 months ago

When Rule of Law Becomes Rule of Lies (1)

“Seven years from the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia: lack of progress in restoring the rule of law in Malta.” 




This was a statement by Didier REYNDERS, who until December 2nd served as European Commissioner for Justice.


It has come to light that Reynders is facing serious accusations of financial misconduct, specifically related to money laundering activities. The Belgian authorities have taken swift action by launching a thorough investigation into Reynders’ suspicious financial dealings spanning over several years.




On December 3rd, 2024, Belgian federal police conducted raids on Reynders’ properties in Uccle and Vissoul, as part of the investigation into his alleged involvement in money laundering through the National Lottery system.


This brazen act of corruption by someone entrusted with upholding justice at the highest level is not only disgraceful but also raises significant concerns about the integrity and accountability of the European Union’s governance.



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Neville Gafa

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