BREAKING – Shocking Email

Neville Gafa

~ 2 months ago

BREAKING – Shocking Email

This site is exclusively publishing an email sent on the 9th of December 2009.

This is the first part of the mail;


“This is the police commissioner’s personal number – 7949 1**0.


If you ring him, he will instruct his juniors not to proceed, even before it reaches court.


I strongly recommend that you do this, not for my sake because as you know I am perfectly at home in court, I feel extremely comfortable describing situations in great detail, and I know that law-suits about a wife throwing a tea-cup at her husband are the subject of ridicule (of the husband, not the wife).


Do it to spare your sons (to say nothing of your mother) the public humiliation, and also the distress of knowing that their father went to the police station and asked the police to prosecute their mother, who they love and care for deeply. Because they are normal, they will correctly see this as a far greater act of aggression, with greater and more far-reaching consequences, than throwing a tea-cup, whatever the consequences of throwing that tea-cup might have been. I don’t mind if you tell them I threw that cup – honestly. It’s not going to change their opinion of me. But if they discover what you did, it will change their opinion of you and cause them severe distress and worry especially now they are not present.”


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Neville Gafa

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