Esklussiva xokkanti – Email li ntbagħtet f’Malta fid-9 ta’ Diċembru 2009 fil-11:12am. It-Tieni Parti

Neville Gafa

~ 2 months ago

Esklussiva xokkanti – Email li ntbagħtet f’Malta fid-9 ta’ Diċembru 2009 fil-11:12am. It-Tieni Parti

Din hija email xokkanti li meta jasal l-mument se tispiċċa fil-Parlament Ewopew.

Dan s-sit diġà ppublika l-ewwel parti tal-email. Din hija t-tieni parti. Il-kontenut tal-email huwa dan:


“I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that in a moment of madness you were unable to distinguish – as the police inspector who spoke to me pointed out – between going after somebody with a broken beer bottle on a regular basis, which is what the law is there for, and flinging crockery in a rage, which happens in every household in which my friends lived when I was a child and in their own households now.



I hope you can also see that by going to court to prosecute your wife for throwing a tea-cup at you , you will become the subject not of pity and admiration, but of sheer ridicule. What were you thinking of, now that it’s the clear light of day : standing up in a court room packed with your sniggering colleagues and accusing your wife, as she stands in the dock like a criminal, of throwing a cup at you? How would you ever hold your head up again? What would that look like to your clients, and more to the point, you fail to understand that from there on in you would become known as ‘dak tal-kikkra’. It would also end the remotest possibility of a civil separation, because there is no way on earth that I am going to be civil to somebody who has asked the police to prosecute me. I would have to be mad.”



Aktar ma naqra din l-email aktar nifhem kemm il-Parlament Ewropew huwa l-iktar istituzzjoni ridikola fid-dinja.


Komplu segwu dan is-sit għax fadal ħafna.

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. Saviour Spiteri. December 14, 2024

    keep it up Neville forsi fl’ahhar tibda hierga l’verita kollha biex min ghadu zghir ,nixtieq li jifem il verita ta veru. prosit ,kellu bzonn il gurnalisti taghkom jghnuk halli l’ipokrezija ta dawn in nies li jahsbu li huma qaddisin jimxu fl’art tikxfuhom. again prosit Neville. KURAGG.


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