Din hija email xokkanti li meta jasal l-mument se tispiċċa fil-Parlament Ewopew.
Dan s-sit diġà ppublika l-ewwel u t-tieni parti tal-email. Din hija t-tielet parti. Il-kontenut tal-email huwa dan:
“Your wife dedicates 24 years of her life to raising three wonderful sons and this is how you repay her. I just can’t believe it. I am so shocked that I do not think I will ever recover. It is too much for me to take on board, that I am married to a man who is prepared to put me in the dock like a criminal and expose the entire family to public humiliation. I can’t even begin to explain how I feel, beyond complete disgust and utter misery.
I am prepared to put this behind me, but as long as I live I will never be able to understand your motivation or whether you thought beyond your immediate reaction. I keep hoping that you acted impulse and that it wasn’t a premeditated act of vindictiveness. Perhaps you don’t understand that you’re not John Zammit from Zebbug married to Maria Zammit. I know you love attention, but surely even you can see that ridicule and farce are the wrong sort of attention.
When that lawyer in Gozo used to report his American wife for throwing things at him, who came out worse – he or his wife? I honestly cannot believe you sank so low. That is the hardest part of all. Treat me as badly as you like. Go ahead and make a fool of yourself and of me. But if you cause distress to my sons – and you will by doing this – I will never forgive you. Ever”
Aktar ma naqra din l-email aktar nifhem kemm il-Parlament Ewropew huwa l-iktar istituzzjoni ridikola fid-dinja.
Komplu segwu dan is-sit għax fadal ħafna.
twenty-five fucking kisses going back and forth between a lawyer and his architect hahaha that. Kif ma tisthux it-tnejn li inthom.
U jinsteraq monument nazjonali ghal gwadan politku mil estremisti nazjonalisti u ma jittiehdu l ebda passi minn min hu kkoncernat.
monument nazjonali ghamluh mizbla erba minn nies zibel, biex biex jghamlu il vgili lil wahda li kienet zibla