Somers Farkas: From Socialite to US Ambassador

Neville Gafa

~ 4 weeks ago

Somers Farkas: From Socialite to US Ambassador

Somers Farkas is the new US Ambassador to Malta. Known for her regal bearing and philanthropic efforts, Somers Farkas has made a name for herself in the Hamptons, Upper East, and Palm Beach social circles.



As a major Republican donor, Somers Farkas recently made headlines for her generous contribution of $300,000 to Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican party. This financial support, made possible by her husband Jonathan Farkas, has solidified her position within the political landscape.


Somers Farkas


The Farkas family, with their roots in New York and a history of successful real estate ventures, are well-respected members of the community. Jonathan’s late mother, Ruth Farkas, was a prominent philanthropist and a lifelong Republican. In fact, Ruth Farkas famously donated the same amount of $300,000 to Richard Nixon’s re-election campaign in 1972, which ultimately led to her appointment as the US Ambassador to Luxembourg.


Despite facing scrutiny during the Watergate hearings, Ruth Farkas stood by her principles and eventually secured her Senate confirmation. Her legacy of philanthropy and dedication to the Republican party lives on through her family, including Somers Farkas.


It is truly remarkable to see how history repeats itself, with Somers Farkas following in her mother-in-law’s footsteps to become a US Ambassador.


Let’s all hope she will represent her country with grace and integrity.



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Neville Gafa

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