Jeremy Harbinson, the supposed expert behind the controversial report that led to charges against Joseph Muscat and others, is now attempting to evade testifying by citing his wife’s health condition as an excuse.
The court has rightfully requested certificates to verify the validity of his claims within a two-day timeframe. However, Harbinson, through Dr. Peter Fenech, has provided a series of unacceptable excuses. Firstly, he claims that he has not been able to speak to the doctors familiar with his wife’s case.
Secondly, he alleges that the doctors did not deem his wife’s condition as an emergency, hence delaying any potential appointments. Lastly, he was advised to visit a family doctor first before being referred to a specialist, resulting in a six-week waiting period.
These feeble attempts to avoid testifying under the guise of his wife’s health issues are not only disrespectful to the court but also a blatant disregard for justice.
It is evident that Harbinson’s claims of being unable to travel to Malta are nothing more than a convenient excuse to evade accountability. The court must not tolerate such blatant disrespect for the legal process and should take appropriate action to ensure that justice is served.