Matthew Caruana Galizia, d-drogi u r-riformi

Neville Gafa

~ 1 month ago

Matthew Caruana Galizia, d-drogi u r-riformi

Matthew Caruana Galizia sar l-espert tar-riformi. Illum ġurnata jgħajjar lill-Imħallef, lill-Prim Ministru u lill-Ministru.


Matthew r-riformi saru u se ngħidlek kif.


Meta xi ħadd jinqabad bid-droga kif kont nqbadt inti ma jkollux bżonn lil Michael Cassar biex jgħinu, iżda Gvern Laburista għadda ħafna liġijiet u drittijiet.



Ghal min nesa’, ħa nfakkar li  Michael Cassar kien imexxi t-Taqsima kontra d-Drogi fil-Korp tal-Pulizija meta Matthew Caruana Galizia nqabad bid-drogi.


Matthew għidilna kemm kellek drogi, u x’kont weħilt fil-Qorti. Għidilna jekk kien għinek xi ħadd.


Fuq kulħadd tridu tkun tafu.


Se nistaqsu dwarkom.

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa


  1. George N January 24, 2025

    Nirreferi lis Sur Galizia ghal dan l-artiklu u nsaqsih fejn kienu il paladini tal Gustizzja dak in-nhar u nsaqsi jekk l-akkuzat kienx xi canvasser ta xi ministru ta dak iz-zmien
    Dione Mercieca, who is accused of murdering his business partner in 2008, has died following a long illness.

    Mr Mercieca had been out on bail for seven years and while the compilation of evidence against him was in process, he had not yet gone to trial.

    He was charged in 2008 of killing Martin Scicluna, 43, of Zabbar, at the Qormi office they shared. Mr Mercieca allegedly shot Mr Scicluna twice in the face with a shotgun. He gave himself up shortly afterwards.
    The courts had been criticised at one point for allowing Dione Mercieca to go on a 60-day business trip to Africa while out on bail. He was involved in the artificial turf business.

    Mr Scicluna was a father of two.

  2. Anthony Mercieca January 25, 2025

    it’s better that he says we’re mums computer is and why it was never returned to Malta

    1. Paul January 25, 2025

      That pc that you’re talking about has long been deprived of its data by order of the DCG family to the German Police. It was in the news some time ago.


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