It has been revealed that these so-called forensic experts were raking in an astonishing 11 million euros without a trace of oversight, and all it took was the lone signature of Magistrate Vella to green-light this bonanza.
But the plot thickens! It has now come out that Magistrate Vella was making secret trips to Northern Ireland to meet these experts behind closed doors. This explosive news throws the supposed transparency and integrity of our judicial system into serious doubt.
It’s outrageous! Instead of simply inviting these experts to the Court like any regular party, Magistrate Vella chose to whisk herself away for clandestine meetings overseas. Why such secrecy? These actions cast a long, dark shadow over the entire judicial process.

Gabriella Vella
We demand to know:
Why did Magistrate Vella feel compelled to head abroad for these secretive meetings? Why was the curtain of transparency firmly dropped? And why, oh why, did she fail to prioritize meetings with Dr. Joseph Muscat right here on our own soil?