Another self-proclaimed beacon of “honesty” and “integrity”—how original, The Shift News!
The Shift claims they’re some sort of community-funded online saint stationed in Malta, all noble and devoted to investigative journalism and the mighty defense of press freedom. Cue the applause, people!
And please, let’s all take a moment to marvel at their boastful declaration that they’re the ONLY newsroom in Malta not picking money out of political pockets or cozying up to the government. Really? Because that doesn’t sound suspicious at all!
So, let’s get real here—since they’re so squeaky clean and all, should we be asking the million-dollar question: Are you getting any nice little envelopes from any foreign governments? Or do they fly under that oh-so-transparent radar too?
Ta-shift news waqawh ghan-nejk lil jasin. Mux soltu zewg swaba ta-qarnita jghamlu ekk lil-xurxin. Mistagbin tar-republika kemm haduwa bi-kbira din ta-jasin. Hu dak il-landa zibel li harab lejn Spania waqfitlu qalbu meta sema bl’lahbar.
Neville Nissugexxi li tibda jinghata award ghal l ikbar gidba u giddieb Malti kull tant zmien. Zgur li meta jigu short listed l nismijiet ser ikun hemm ta Ja-sin.