The Real Daphne Caruana Galizia, till now kept hidden from the European Parliament

Neville Gafa

~ 1 month ago

The Real Daphne Caruana Galizia, till now kept hidden from the European Parliament

When Peter Caruana Galizia reported his cruel wife Daphne to the Mosta Police this is what the Mosta Police Station Sergeant stated in her affidavit to Police Inspector Edmond Cuschieri then stationed at the Mosta Police Station:-


“On 8 December 2009 at around 17:30 hrs I was informed by WPC **8 who was on duty at Mosta Police Station that a certain Peter Caruana Galizia had just made a report that earlier, at around 13:00 hrs while he was at his matrimonial home, namely ‘Dar R*****, Bidnija, limits of Mosta, he had been assaulted by his wife Daphne Anne by her throwing plates in his direction with the consequence that he was hit in the face and had a visible cut on his forehead. She also added that the complainant was going to produce a medical  certificate of the injuries he suffered.


Later, I called Daphne Anne Caruana Galizia and informed her that a report had just been made by her husband and that I wanted to speak to her at the Mosta Police Station.


At that time she said to me ‘I can’t believe it, leave me  alone’, and hung up. So I called her again to see if she wanted to give her version and I informed her what the report her husband had made was, where she stated ‘”that is  my husband and the police have nothing to do with us and I’ll hang up.”


Later at around 19:15 hrs Daphne came to the police station where when asked what happened she stated that she wanted a copy of the report and this is not something that the police have to do with, rather she should have made the report herself first on her husband.”


This is exclusive information that is being published for the first time. No one will be in a position to deny it because it is the truth.



The European Parliament will be informed that there is a hall named after a cruel and violent woman both with her husband and the Police.


Daphne was a husband beater.


Matthew Caruana Galizia’s anger and lies are due to the violent family environment in which he grew up.

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa

1 Comment

  1. saviour stivala February 9, 2025

    I do not agree with you on this one, It-tifel tas-sahara tal-bidnija anger and lies are due solely to the type of blood in him.


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