Hospital Inquiry Debacle: Lavish Fees, Phantom Hours, and the Million-Euro Rewrite Scandal

Neville Gafa

~ 3 weeks ago

Hospital Inquiry Debacle: Lavish Fees, Phantom Hours, and the Million-Euro Rewrite Scandal

In a scandal that reeks of impropriety and extravagance, the inquiry into hospitals led by Magistrate Gabriella Vella has uncovered financial shenanigans of epic proportions, painting a sordid picture of misuse and misconduct. Imagine this: over €1.3 million funneled into the pockets of so-called “experts,” merely to rewrite their own report. Yes, you read that correctly.


Gabriella Vella


In an incredulous revelation, this portal unmasked the scandalous sums embedded within this controversial inquiry—an endeavor that shamefully dragged on for five years and hemorrhaged more than €11 million from public coffers. The air is thick with the stench of abuse and misappropriation, with Jeremy Harbinson’s company at the center, pushing dubious invoices that were nonetheless greenlighted by the Magistrate, procurement regulations be damned!


As the drama unfolded, it came to light that when Harbinson penned the final report in June 2023, an extension was audaciously requested, dragging proceedings well into April 2024. The pretext? His cohorts needed extra time to scrub off linguistic faux pas and juxtapose sections of the report—a task that scandalously devoured €1.3 million of taxpayer money. And oh, the sheer cheek of it, Harbinson, claiming retirement was just on the horizon, blatantly continued cashing in on this charade.


The experts? They greedily gobbled up time and resources, effectively bamboozling the Maltese populace, doling out vague receipts that conveniently omitted any concrete account of their alleged labor.


Over these ten shameful months, Jeremy Harbinson smugly reported that he and a cohort of 16 experts pulled off a staggering 7,300 hours of work—at a jaw-dropping rate of €182 per hour! All, mind you, to serve up this confidential fiasco to Magistrate Gabriella Vella, provocatively timed just before the European Parliament and Local Council Elections.


Adding fuel to this fire, Harbinson’s company pocketed more than €18 million as a Court expert from 2017 till May 2024, largely for this hospital inquiry.


Scandalous is but a modest term for this affront to justice and public trust, an epic play of power, greed, and deceit that defies reason and accountability.

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Picture of Neville Gafa

Neville Gafa


  1. saviour stivala February 23, 2025

    The question is. Is the administration of the country going to take action on this blatant abuse of public funds, or is it just going to do nothing about it?.

  2. GINO DEGIORGIO February 23, 2025

    Magistrate Gabriella Vella wanted everything under her control , SO NOW SHE SHOULD TAKE THE STAND AND ANSWER SOME VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION TO SHED SOME LIGHT TO THIS COBWEB , and the law should be amended to avoid this mess ….!!


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