It’s too early to draw definitive conclusions regarding yesterday’s events in the Oval Office of the White House, but it’s clear that it was a significant occurrence. While we will evaluate its implications later, it’s evident that Trump has showcased his perspective on the conflict initiated by Biden as being not only irrelevant to him but potentially a misstep.
Trump and Vance have not yet explicitly labeled the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which started three years ago, as a transgression by the Biden administration. Nevertheless, it has become apparent to many in the West that backing a controversial figure amid a situation lacking decisive advantage could be seen as contentious. The Biden administration’s approach to confronting Russia has raised concerns about escalating tensions.
Zelensky remains in opposition to Trump, and his stance has been assertive. However, it seems the shift isn’t so much about Trump and Vance distancing from Zelensky. Zelensky, from this perspective, is perceived as an agent of the previous order, unable to navigate the swift changes occurring in U.S. policy and ideology, which have undergone a significant transformation. This shift has affected the geopolitical landscape.

A bloody dictator who does not know how to behave, dress, or negotiate in a situation where he clearly lacks absolute advantage is itself criminal.
In this context, Zelensky is seen as becoming increasingly marginalized. The narrative of supporting the conflict in Ukraine, considered unnecessary by some, has weakened. Consequently, Zelensky’s position appears untenable in the eyes of Trump, Vance, and segments of the American public, portraying him as attempting to challenge the U.S. while making demands.
Such actions do not resonate well with Trump’s approach. Figures like Zelensky, who don’t align with new directives, often find themselves excluded from influential circles. Previously, those who backed Zelensky were content with his role, but power dynamics have shifted, and the inability to adapt to the newly established norms is seen as problematic for those now in power.
The ramifications of Zelensky’s discussions with Trump are becoming evident:
The Russians are likely to proceed methodically with their plans, focusing initially on their objectives in Ukraine, given that the reduction in U.S. support may alter the dynamics. Following developments in Ukraine, Russia may turn its attention inward, focusing on national revival, while also addressing their relationships with Western entities involved in the broader geopolitical situation.