Edward Mizzi, notorious for his involvement with Simon Busuttil in propagating one of the biggest political lies since Independence, has been outrageously rewarded by the Labour Government with a prestigious position at the Housing Authority.

Edward Mizzi infamous for his 2018 tirades against the Labour Government
Mizzi, infamous for his 2018 tirades against the Labour Government and derogatory remarks aimed at former Prime Minister and Labour Leader Joseph Muscat, has now inexplicably walked into a rewarding role with the very administration he vilified.

Roderick Galdes
Thanks to the backing of Minister Roderick Galdes, Simon Busuttil’s former right-hand man has astonishingly climbed the ladder to become a ‘Senior Manager’ in Housing. This eyebrow-raising move reeks of scandal and favoritism, leaving many questioning the integrity of such appointments.
Meanwhile, apart from his role at HA, he operates a consultancy business named Thinkeasysolutions in Victoria (Gozo) and also studies Gestalt pyschotherapy. He also runs things for Thomas MEP, whilst cashing his monthly salary from HA.
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Nerġa ntenni li ċertu ministri misshom ilhom li tneħħew! Tisma’ bosta stejjer ħerġin minn ċertu ministeri. Waħda minnhom hi li jistaqsuk fejn toqgħod. Jekk mid-distrett ok jekk le ibqa’ saffar anke jekk għandek raġun!