In an infuriating spectacle of blatant political arrogance, Roberta Metsola, mockingly called the “Empress of Battles,” has shamelessly fortified her reputation as an unscrupulous instigator of chaos. It’s beyond outrageous how, despite the world’s desperate clamor for peace, Metsola bulldozes ahead in a reckless, near maniacal frenzy for war, seemingly incapable of considering anything but […]
L-Uffiċċju tal-Prosekutur Pubbliku tal-Unjoni Ewropeja, l-EPPO, intalab ukoll jinvestiga rapporti ta’ frodi minn Pawlu Pace, President tal-MUMN, marbuta ma fondi Ewropej relatati ma proġett tal-EU u jinvolvi impjieg fantażma li ingħata fi ‘scam’ ta’ fondi pubbliċi Ewropej. Dawn huma allegazzjonijiet serji li jistgħu jiġu vverifikati taħt ġurament ma impjegati attwali u ex- impjegati […]
According to GonziPN, the promises made by the Labour Party to reduce electricity and water bills were deemed impossible. From the position of Opposition, Dr. Joseph Muscat had vowed, “We can reduce electricity and water bills, we will reduce them, and we will do so with conviction. If others have left debt, we will leave […]