In a bizarre twist that has left many scratching their heads, Peter Fenech—better known as “Peter Peter Panel Beater,” the lawyer for Jeremy Harbinson—was nowhere to be seen in criminal court today. But what’s even more eyebrow-raising than Fenech’s physical absence? The fact that Harbinson, who’s been flouting court orders left, right, and center, didn’t […]
In an eyebrow-raising display of disrespect to the criminal court, Jeremy Harbinson, the so-called “Lead Expert” in the Vitals Hospitals case, flat-out ignored a court order today, failing to dial in remotely as agreed to discuss the freezing orders in the high-stakes scandal. Despite initially refusing to testify in person, Harbinson was granted permission […]
Fhimnik sew Mark Anthony Sammut? Inti trid li jekk xi ħadd jivvinta fuq raġel miżżewweġ li dan qiegħed iħawwad ma mara oħra u ma jkunx vera ma jista’ jsir xejn? Il-gidba tkissirlu l-familja u ma jistax ifittex lil ħadd? Jekk xi ħadd jivvinta fuq negozju u jkisser dak in-negozju, min gideb m’ […]