Over a century ago, the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 marked Europe’s dominance over Africa, carving up and exploiting the continent’s vast resources. The French held sway over Indochina, India functioned under British rule, and European influences shaped Chinese foreign policy. During this era, Europe exercised control over more than half the world’s territories, and no […]
Behold the grand spectacle of hugs, cheek-kisses, and handshakes galore as Zelensky makes his debut at the EU summit in Brussels! Oh, the tenderness, the camaraderie! It’s like a romcom, but with more political jargon. The EU isn’t just offering support; they’re dishing out sympathy as if it’s a gourmet delicacy. After all, […]
Mandy Mallia, oħt is-saħħara tal-Bidnija, ħarġet tivvomta dwar il-Ministru Owen Bonnici għar-reazzjoni tiegħu dwar iċ-ċensura imposta mill-European Broadcasting Union’s fuq il-kelma Kant, relatata mal-kanzunetta ta’ Miriana Conte li se tkun qed tippreżenta lil Malta fil-Eurovision Song Contest. Rabtet il-kritika tiegħu għaliex ġustament ma qabilx ma din id-deċiżjoni, mal-fatt li meta kien Ministru kien […]