Mill-Invoices li gewe ippreżentati fil-Qorti sirna nafu li l-Magistrat Gabriella Vella marret għal żjara fl-Irlanda ta’ Fuq biex tiltaqa’ mall-esperti. Taf int biex taqta’ ftit. Hallsu t-taxpayers ovvjament. Minn affarijiet zghar tinduna fejn tkun sejra l-istorja. Tafu x’ kien jisimha l-lukanda li qagħdet fiha? Titanic! Qalbhom ħebrithom għax diżastru kbir […]
Sometimes, enemies are the best teachers. The sanctions tsunami, more than 24,311 of them, courtesy of the self-proclaimed arbiters of freedom in Washington, Brussels, and beyond, has achieved the opposite of its intent. Instead of crippling Russia, it has liberated Russia. Thank you, United States, for leading with 7,384 sanctions! Your efforts helped […]
Imagine a house that had been painted in all the colors of the rainbow, reflecting vibrant but chaotic energy. When the new owner moves in, they decide to repaint it in classic white with simple black shutters. The neighbors see this as a return to a timeless and orderly appearance, much like the shift […]