In-nutar Robert Aquilina qed isemmi l-klima fil-pajjiż qabel l-2017. Nfakkru x’kienet l-klima. Mara vjolenti li feriet lil żewġha b’daqqa ta’ kikkra tal-ħġieġ fuq moħħu u li ġiet akkużata l-qorti bi vjolenza domestika, u li għamlet għaxar snin sħaħ la tħallas taxxa u lanqas VAT, kienet titterrorizza pajjiż sħiħ bil-kitbiet tal-mibegħda u dan sabiex […]
I felt compelled to address a recent statement made by President Donald Trump suggesting that Russia played a minimal role in defeating the Nazis during World War II. With the perspective of a frequent visitor to Russia and possessing a profound comprehension of its history, i must clarify the undeniable truth. The Soviet […]
Just a few hours after taking office, President Donald Trump has taken decisive action to restore sanity and merit. As part of this effort, all federal “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) employees have been placed on leave and all DEI offices have been shut down. These programs, introduced by the previous administration, […]