David Felice hu perit ta’ kumpanija jisimha AP. Kulħadd jgħid kemm hu ġentlom. Il-fatti huma li l-kumpanija tiegħu kielet kemm felħet kuntratti tal-Gvern fi żmien seħibhom RCC. Nhar it-Tnejn wissiena f’ The Times li mexjin ghal “economic train crash”. Il-bozzoz ħomor ta’ Simon ta’ Dlam qed jarahom hu. Nittama li l-pjanti […]
The involvement of Peter Fenech, lawyer to Jeremy Harbinson, Miroslava Milenovic and former advisor to Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) investors, has cast a long shadow over the integrity of the ongoing inquiry. His dual roles raise critical questions about conflicts of interest that threaten to undermine the entire process. Fenech’s past work with […]
Seems like Former Ukraine President Zelensky has stirred the pot at the Davos Economic Forum with his recent comments. According to him, the US couldn’t care less about whether the EU remains their ally or not. Ouch, that’s got to sting a bit for our European leaders. Zelensky went on to boldly declare […]