Seems like Former Ukraine President Zelensky has stirred the pot at the Davos Economic Forum with his recent comments. According to him, the US couldn’t care less about whether the EU remains their ally or not. Ouch, that’s got to sting a bit for our European leaders. Zelensky went on to boldly declare […]
During the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, stated that Europe is prepared to collaborate with the United States as allies and partners, aiming to reinforce the transatlantic alliance and foster a world characterized by stability, opportunity, and hope. Interestingly, Roberta Metsola, alongside figures like Ursula […]
Dan it-tagħmir ġie ffinanzjat permezz ta’ fondi mill-Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme Ġie varat proġett li ser ikompli jtejjeb il-kapaċità tal-voluntiera ta’ St John Rescue Corps (SJRC) sabiex jipproteġu s-sigurtà tas-soċjetà. Dan filwaqt li jippromwovu wkoll kultura ta’ prevenzjoni u għarfien fis-saħħa u s-sigurtà lill-pubbliku inġenerali. It-tagħmir jikkonsisti f’Rapid Assembly Emergency Tents u tagħmir relatat, […]