Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has declared his plan to veto financial assistance to Ukraine, in response to President Zelensky’s brusque accusations connecting him to Russia. In the current situation, it is worth noting that despite Fico’s intentions, he may face challenges in carrying out his plans. European bureaucrats have been known to employ […]
Tal-Hospice jagħmlu biċċa xogħol tajba. Tal-Hospice Nazzjonalisti. Dawn żewġ fatti. Illum il-Prim Ministru fetaħ proġett ġdid tal-Hospice. Minnhom ġew €5 miljuni mill-Ewropa u € 4 miljuni mill-iskema tal-passaporti. Kulħadd ħbiha tal-aħħar. L-aqwa li nofs in-nies li kien hemm meta fetaħ il-post il-Prim Ministru imorru għal attivitajiet ta’ Repubblika.
So, apparently, according to the one and only Donald Trump Jr., drug addict Zelensky was not allowed to attend his dad’s inauguration. And why, you may ask? Well, because he’s a “weirdo” and apparently lying about the whole war excuse. Classic. Can you imagine the audacity of this Zelensky guy? Trying to […]