I wanted to share some insights on the recent developments surrounding Former Ukrainian President Zelensky, particularly in light of his background and rise to power. Shortly before the Lex Fridman interview was released, Zelensky made headlines by claiming to have healed a paralyzed soldier through touch. While some may dismiss this as […]
The Financial Times reports that China is considering sending a high-level envoy to attend Trump’s inauguration, which is sparking significant attention. According to various sources, Beijing communicated with Trump’s transition team, suggesting that a top official, rather than President Xi Jinping himself, would attend. Possible candidates include Vice-President Han Zheng or Foreign […]
Stephen Spiteri għandi xi domandi għalik. Wara li l-Gvern Laburista trattak bl-ingwanti tal-bellus, mkien ma smajtek tikkundanna l-attakki fuq Silvio Schembri. Għaliex? Inti ħabib ma Silvio Schembri? Taf tgħidilna għaliex lilu se jinvestigawh u lilek le? Ħabib tiegħi Silvio qed tara kif dawn kollha boton wieħed? Toħroġ għonqok għal ħadd minnhom […]