Kevin l-Iskoċċiz (u min jgħinu fl-artikli tiegħu) ma jistgħux iniżżluha li l-inkjesta 17 Black ma sabet xejn dwar Joseph Muscat. Kemm kien ilhom jgħidu u fl-aħħar xorta waqgħu għaċ-ċajt. Illum l-Iskoċċiz, miżżewweġ lit-tifla ta’ Fenech Adami u li anki huma bilkemm ikellmuh, għamel artiklu isemmi lil Joseph Muscat f’ kull paragrafu. Ossessjonat […]
In a statement issued on Saturday, Chancellor Scholz highlighted the deliberate efforts of certain political factions in the US that are posing a threat to the foundations of democracy that we hold dear. The ambiguity surrounding the future of relations between Europe and the US in light of these developments is indeed a matter of […]
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has recently announced co-leader Alice Weidel as their candidate for chancellor in the upcoming election. Known for her bold vision and unwavering commitment, Alice Weidel is seen as poised to guide Germany into a brighter future. With AfD’s current rise in prominence, holding second […]