Looks like Zelensky’s handshake curse strikes again! Turdeau couldn’t handle the pressure. Justin Trudeau has finally decided to call it quits after nearly a decade at the helm. And let’s be honest, it’s not like this resignation came out of left field. Trudeau’s track record has been a rollercoaster of screw-ups that have […]
Fix-xhur li għaddew rajna kif is-sentenza tal-Imħallef Zammit McKeon hi waħda redikola. Ma hi xejn għajr riċetta għal anarkija. Il-Monument tal-Assedju l-Kbir, qabel jerġa’ jsir ta’ kulħadd, issa sar post ta’ protesta favur u kontra Daphne. Għall-ewwel darba f’seba’ snin rajna l-Monument tal-Assedju jinbidel. M’ghadux il-mafkar ta’ Daphne iżda l-mafkar ta’ kontriha wkoll. Wassalna […]
Recent disclosures have brought to light the registration of several companies at the Marsascala residence of Nationalist MP Stephen Spiteri. Further scrutiny has revealed a detailed list of these entities connected to the address known as “Villa Margherita, Il Bajja ta San Tumas, Marsaskala.” Questions have emerged concerning these companies—established after 2008—particularly regarding […]