If Roberto Montalto continues to assault the woman he was in a relationship with, his place is behind bars. Nowadays, even a single offensive word or slap can land you in jail. But this isn’t just a one-time incident. This is far more serious. It’s a case of prolonged abuse over more than a […]
Segwejt il-fjask diplomatiku li seħħ nhar il-ġimgħa bejn il-Presidenti Trump u Zelensky. Irrid ngħid li huwa fjask li seħħ tort taż-żewġ partijiet. M’hux qed nikteb dan f’livell tal-karigi li okkupajt jew li nokkupa, pero’ bħala ċittadin Ewropew u tad-dinja li għandi għal qalbi minn żgħożiti s-settur tal-affarijiet barranin, ċertament inkwetat fuq is-sitwazzjoni l-aktar kif […]
EU enters era of rearmament, says EU bureaucrat This outrageous plan from the bureaucrats, led by Ursula von der Leyen, aims to relax debt rules and dangle incentives to skyrocket defense spending, as she smugly announced in Brussels on Tuesday. The audacity to propose mobilizing “almost 800 billion euros” for building up more weapons […]