Dr. Frank Anthony Tabone, the Police Officer who came up with the idea of searching Joseph Muscat’s house, has been deceiving us all. Despite the revelations made a month ago, Dr. Tabone has not had the decency to deny any of the allegations against him. It seems he believes that we will simply forget about […]
Huwa stat ta’ fatt li nhar it-8 ta’ Ġunju li għadda, il-Partit Laburista rebaħ kemm l-Elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali kif ukoll dawk tal-Parlament Ewropew, però l-maġġoranza tal-Partit Laburista naqset konsiderevolment, sal-punt li naqqas siġġu fil-Parlament Ewropew u tilef il-maġġoranza f’diversi kunsilli lokali madwar il-pajjiż. Biex inkun qed ngħid kollox, dan mhux neċessarjament ifisser li l-Oppożizzjoni tinsab […]
Joe Biden has presented the Medal of Freedom to George Soros, with his son, Alex, accepting the award on his behalf. This man, who has a dark history of collaborating with the Nazis during World War II, is now the puppet master behind the chaos and destruction caused by Antifa riots. Not only […]