When will the Labour Party start demanding investigations and resignations of Nationalists like Stephen Spiteri? Why doesn’t anyone ask about the companies registered at his residence in Marsascala? That’s why Labour keeps getting hit because it doesn’t know how to attack. In politics, silence is not the answer. A fight is […]
Dan is-sit żvela kif madwar tlett snin ilu kien hemm investigazzjoni tat-taxxa fil-konfront ta’ Stephen Spiteri. It-Tax Compliance Unit kien diġà talab l-informazzjoni mill-banek u ma tantx kien hemm affarijiet sbieħ. Dan is-sit għandu indikazzjoni ċara ta’ x’kien l-eżodu ta’ l-informazzjoni mgħotija mill-banek. Sa issa skiet totali minn naħa tal-Kummissarju tat- Taxxa. […]
The Nationalist Party is making a concerted effort to encroach upon Labour’s territory through both direct and indirect attacks. In light of this aggressive stance from our adversaries, it is imperative that we take a proactive approach rather than waiting to react to their moves. Recent events, such as the numerous inquiry requests filed […]