Minn Korrispondent Speċjali mill-Imġarr ta’ Malta Wara li d-Dittatur Ukren qala’ ħasla madornali mill-President Trump li wrieh ‘l bieb ta’ barra tal-White House, id-dittatur Ukren ried mingħalieh jiġbor ġieħu. Mar ifittex ġurnalist ta’ Fox News u mhux tal-MediaLink tal-Partit ta’ Roberta Metsola f’Malta biex jgħid li hu xorta jemmen li għad tista’ tiġi […]
A shocking 40% of the costs the Maltese Court paid to experts in the hospital inquiry led by Magistrate Gabriella Vella are not backed by receipts. This revelation uncovers a financial mess and raises serious questions about accountability. The situation is even more outrageous as it has been established that the Court did […]
In a shocking turn of events, a politically exposed person (PEP) has been appointed as an expert in three of Malta’s most politicized inquiries: Malta Hospitals, Electrogas, and Times. But is it right for our courts to appoint someone with such controversial connections to positions of such power? Shouldn’t experts be impartial, transparent, and above […]