Propju fl-aħħar sigħat tas-sena l-oħra, intalbu żewġ inkjesti fil-konfront ta’ żewġ Ministri tal-Gvern. Infakkru li fil-ġimgħat ta’ qabel kienu intalbu inkjesti oħra. Minn dakinhar ‘l hawn, Il-Ministru Clayton Bartolo irreżenja. Clint Camilleri qed jiġi investigat permezz ta’ inkjesta li nfetħet ġimgħat ilu. Fis-sigħat li għaddew tħabbar li intalbet inkjesta oħra fil-konfront ta’ Clint. […]
At least 10 people lost their lives and 30 others were injured when a truck drove into a large crowd on Canal and Bourbon Street in the city’s French Quarter. The incident took place at approximately 3.15am, a time when the area would have been bustling with revellers celebrating the New Year. […]
The world has suffered mightily over this time. US empire is in decay, and the violence imposed on the world’s people is unparalleled. Gaza. Lebanon. Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands have perished in its bid to maintain hegemony. Let 2025 be the year we get another step closer to putting US […]