In a shocking turn of events, a politically exposed person (PEP) has been appointed as an expert in three of Malta’s most politicized inquiries: Malta Hospitals, Electrogas, and Times. But is it right for our courts to appoint someone with such controversial connections to positions of such power? Shouldn’t experts be impartial, transparent, and above […]
Jekk Roberto Montalto se jibqa’ jsawwat lit-tfajla li kellu relazzjoni magħha postu huwa l-ħabs. Illum fuq tgħajjira jew daqqa ta’ ħarta waħda faċli tispiċċa l-ħabs. Imma dan mhux inċident ta’ darba. Dan ħafna iktar serju. Dan huwa każ ta’ swat fuq medda ta’ iktar minn sena. Saru ħafna rapporti lil Pulizija u hemm kawżi […]
Edward Mizzi, notorious for his involvement with Simon Busuttil in propagating one of the biggest political lies since Independence, has been outrageously rewarded by the Labour Government with a prestigious position at the Housing Authority. Mizzi, infamous for his 2018 tirades against the Labour Government and derogatory remarks aimed at former Prime Minister […]