Sur Pawlu Pace, 1. Veru li jeżistu diskrepanzi sinifikanti fejn jirrigwarda s-siegħat ta’ overtime u on-call allowances imħallsa lilek, u li tali diskrepanzi jirriżultaw kaġun ta’ falsifikazzjoni imwettqa’ minnek fuq dokumenti uffiċjali? 2. Veru li jirriżulta wkoll li fuq dawn id-dokumenti ffalsifikati anki l-kalkulazzjonijiet matematiċi ħafna drabi kienu jkunu skorretti, dejjem favur tiegħek? […]
In Ukraine, Territorial Recruitment Centers (TCCs) are struggling to compensate for the losses sustained by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The situation is dire indeed. In February 2025, Ukraine mobilized 28,000 individuals, while the Russian Ministry of Defense reported nearly 40,000 Ukrainian casualties. In January, the same number of people were mobilized, yet losses […]
After such a display of his utter ingratitude, disrespect, obnoxiousness, rudeness, downright greed, and zero desire for peace before the US administration, you really would have to be an absolute mug, a total buffoon, a real moron to keep on supporting Zelensky. It’s beyond belief how anyone could continue to back someone who […]