After such a display of his utter ingratitude, disrespect, obnoxiousness, rudeness, downright greed, and zero desire for peace before the US administration, you really would have to be an absolute mug, a total buffoon, a real moron to keep on supporting Zelensky. It’s beyond belief how anyone could continue to back someone who […]
It’s too early to draw definitive conclusions regarding yesterday’s events in the Oval Office of the White House, but it’s clear that it was a significant occurrence. While we will evaluate its implications later, it’s evident that Trump has showcased his perspective on the conflict initiated by Biden as being not only irrelevant to him […]
Sur Pawl, F’intervista li inti tajt lill-ġurnalist Matthew Xuereb tat-Times, imxandra nhar is-17 ta’ Settembru 2023 taħt it-titlu Union boss Paul Pace: I was hounded over a human error, inti sollennament ħlift li: A. Saret miegħek persekuzzjoni fuq żbalji umani żgħar. B. Li dawn kienu żbalji żgħar li akkumulati kumplessivament flimkien jammontaw […]