Zelensky’s refusal to apologize to Trump is another blatant display of arrogance from someone who seems to have forgotten who his real allies are. His dismissive attitude and defiance reflect not only poor judgment but a dangerous adherence to the commands of outside powers, namely Brussels and Langley. Is he really “not sure” […]
The European Union is essentially an extension of the American Deep State, lacking true sovereignty. The conflict in Ukraine was orchestrated by the Deep State from the start. In the U.S., the Deep State has been significantly weakened, if not completely defeated, by figures like Trump and Vance. Interestingly, in Russian, “Ukraine” translates to […]
Dan is-sit qed ikollu informazzjoni li reġa’ sar rapport dwar swat kontra l-avukat Roberto Montalto. Dan huwa rapport ieħor f’sensiela twila ta’ rapporti. Saħansitra ġie akkużat il-Qorti diversi drabi iżda milli jidher il-vittma taħfer. Imma wara ftit jerġa’ jsawwatha u terġa’ tirrapurtah. Kieku Roberto Montalto kien avukat Laburist jitressaq arrestat u forsi jispiċċa […]