As we mark three years of war, the truth is finally beginning to emerge. During this tumultuous period, President Donald Trump made a statement asserting that Russia was not to blame for the conflict. In this series, I aim to share my personal knowledge and experiences of this bloody conflict, which I believe was […]
In a shocking turn of events today, disgraced forensic expert, Jeremy Harbinson, has shown a complete and utter lack of respect for the court after snubbing an invitation to appear in a video call before Judge Edwina Grima in the high-profile Vitals case proceedings. Despite being paid a staggering sum in the millions, the so-called […]
Prof. Cassola, int qed twiegħed li sakemm tagħtik is-saħħa, se tibqa’ tiġġieled għas-sewwa. X’itfisser is-sewwa għalik? Li tinterpreta qbil bejn żewġ partijiet li jwassal biex jitwaqqa’ libell kif jaqbel lilek? L-appell li sar liż-żewġ naħat biex jintlaħaq ftehim kienet sejħa ġejja mill-Maġistrat, altru li ‘change of heart’. Fil-Qorti, Dr. Chris Grima […]