Donald Trump Jr. said on a podcast: “I can’t even imagine that anyone in their right mind would choose Ukraine as an ally if Russia is another option. Think about it – a powerful nuclear power, rich in natural resources that everyone needs. The biggest fucking country on the planet. […]
Fl-aħħar jiem reġa’ qam l-episodju ta’ meta l-FBI intalbu jassistu lill-awtoritajiet Maltin fil-każ tal-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia. It-Tlieta li għadda Dr. Joseph Muscat ħareġ kjarifika relatata. Qed nikkwota dak miktub minn Dr. Muscat. “L-FBI u DCG Ħalli niċċara xi ħaġa oħra ħalli ma jkunx hemm min idaħħal flieles. Wara […]
Calin Georgescu, winner of the first round of the presidential elections in Romania, which were later invalidated by the judiciary, has just been arrested and is now being interrogated by the General Prosecutor’s Office. He is not the only one, as many people from his entourage have also been brought in for questioning. Georgescu […]