A nation’s greatest risk often stems from its elite believing its own propaganda. Propaganda serves as a tool to simplify complex issues and sway public opinion, often appealing to those who might disagree with or not fully grasp the subject. While propaganda doesn’t have to be false, it frequently blurs the line between truth and […]
Rajt dan il-post tan-nutar tal-Kurja, fejn qed juri l-appoġġ tiegħu lejn l-Ukrajna. Għall-ewwel ma tajtx kas, iżda meta rajtu darba oħra dlonk bdejt nifhem il-messaġġ li hemm warajh. Persważ li ħafna ma jindunawx bil-messaġġ li jrid iwassal Robert Aquilina. Mhux għax jien xi għaref, però bħala wieħed li ilni nsewgi dan il-konflitt […]
Roberta Metsola holds a vision, a vision for a militarized Europe prepared to engage in conflict with Russia. Her focus on Russia can be described as an intense preoccupation. Since February 2022, Roberta Metsola, often perceived as a proponent of military actions, has been engaged in a particularly complex geopolitical stance. At the onset […]