As I pen down my thoughts and experiences from the past three years, I find myself reflecting on a journey clouded by conflict, misinformation, and the pursuit of truth. On February 24th, 2022, the world witnessed the onset of a war that would shape not only geopolitical landscapes but also the narratives we were […]
Repubblika are calling for Byron Camilleri to step down from Cabinet and take responsibility for the drug heist. It’s truly admirable how they hold others to such high standards of honesty and integrity. However, I have a burning question for Repubblika. What are your thoughts on your dear friend David Casa’s cocaine […]
It-Tnejn li għadda, Alex Borg il-Bikkej ta’ Għawdex bewwel għajnejh għax il-Prim Ministru qallu Pulċinell. Waqt is-seduta tal-Parlament ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, Mr. Facebook Alex Borg reġà kien protagonist. Staqsa lill-Prim Ministru dwar il-Korpi Kostitwiti meta l-Parlament kien qed jiddiskuti l-Korpi Dixxiplinati‼️ Mr. Red Carpet, mhux aħjar toqgħod torganizza xi Tombla għall-kwiet? Aħna lkoll […]