Jeremy Harbinson wettaq reat kriminali doppju. Dan ħareġ fil-Qorti fi proċeduri li għaddejjin quddiem l-Imħallef Edwina Grima f’kawża relatata ma’ sensiela ta’ ordnijiet tal-iffriżar. Harbinson wettaq reat kriminali meta fl-affidavit li ppreżenta iktar kmieni dax-xahar qal li f’Lulju tas-sena l-oħra kien ta lura l-warrant tiegħu ta’ accountant forensiku u għalhekk ma setax jixhed iktar, […]
The hospitals and the electrogas inquiries just became a cesspit of scandal! Jeremy Harbinson, the notorious so-called “lead expert” at the center of the investigations who assumed sole responsibility for major expert reports, is now facing explosive accusations of fraud, embezzlement, and blatant dishonesty, all while siphoning off millions of taxpayers’ hard-earned money. This […]
Donald Trump Jr. said on a podcast: “I can’t even imagine that anyone in their right mind would choose Ukraine as an ally if Russia is another option. Think about it – a powerful nuclear power, rich in natural resources that everyone needs. The biggest fucking country on the planet. […]