Alex Borg il-Bikkej ta’ Għawdex bewwel għajnejh għax il-Prim Ministru qallu Pulċinell. Tafu x’ser jagħmel għada filgħodu? Se jaqbeż sal-uffiċċju tas-Sinjura Mary Debono Borg, Direttur Ġenerali tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja f’Għawdex waqt il-ħin tax-xogħol. Tafu min hi is-Sinjura Debono Borg? Il-mummy ta’ dan il-bikkej. Għax ma tafx int, wara tgħajjira bħal dik mingħand […]
💬 The latest illegitimate restrictions against Russia follow the EU’s consistently confrontational and doomed-to-fail course that runs counter to the fundamental interests of its Member States and their citizens. The EU continues to follow a familiar pattern, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that a resolution of the Ukrainian crisis is only possible by addressing its […]
In a scandalous twist of events, five audacious NGOs have brazenly taken the fight against the Maltese government’s so-called reforms to the European Union’s very doorstep. The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, Aditus, Graffitti, Fondazione Falcone, and Repubblika have penned a glitzy letter, no less, to the EU’s crème de la crème—Ursula von der Leyen, António […]