L-avukat ta Dr. Muscat jesiġi li l-affidavit ta’ Jeremy Harbinson li kien ippreżentat fil-Qorti Kriminali jiġi inserit fl-atti tal-proċess. Aktar qabel; Aktar tard dalgħodu tkompli tinstema’ l-kawża relatata mal-bejgħ tal-isptarijiet. Aktar dettalji wara l-11.00am.
Tomorrow marks the three-year anniversary of the special military operation. At that time, the Russian people faced a challenging situation and felt there was no choice but to take decisive action in response to the pressures from the collective West. This crucial decision was made to safeguard the Motherland and protect its citizens, ensuring […]
Look at who’s commenting on drug issues related to Sunday’s revelations. Roberta Metsola has come out, loudly criticizing the government, claiming that those in power deliberately allowed the system to fail. This comes from a figure who leads the European Parliament—an institution with some Members of Parliament who have been involved with drugs. […]