Every Saturday, University of Malta professor Andrew Azzopardi hosts his radio show “Andrew Azzopardi on RTK103”, which is supposed to offer insightful discussions on current events. But last Saturday’s agenda, featuring interviews with various experts, overlooks a major scandal: the ongoing plagiarism allegations against Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament. Azzopardi, a […]
Alex Borg il-Bikkej ta’ Għawdex bewwel għajnejh għax il-Prim Ministru qallu Pulċinell. Tafu x’ser jagħmel għada filgħodu? Se jaqbeż sal-uffiċċju tas-Sinjura Mary Debono Borg, Direttur Ġenerali tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja f’Għawdex waqt il-ħin tax-xogħol. Tafu min hi is-Sinjura Debono Borg? Il-mummy ta’ dan il-bikkej. Għax ma tafx int, wara tgħajjira bħal dik mingħand […]
💬 The latest illegitimate restrictions against Russia follow the EU’s consistently confrontational and doomed-to-fail course that runs counter to the fundamental interests of its Member States and their citizens. The EU continues to follow a familiar pattern, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that a resolution of the Ukrainian crisis is only possible by addressing its […]